Advertising plays a key role in the growth and development of an organization. For any business, advertising is the best way to reach a customer about its brand offerings, products and services. A well-designed advertisement ensures brand retention and brand recall in the consumer’s mind.
Various modes of advertising
Today, companies and organizations have various modes of advertising to choose from. Print ads, TV ads and radio ads were the traditional modes of advertising. In recent times, technology has paved way for a lot more modes for advertising. The advent of computers and the internet has led to a steep growth in advertising modes.

Visual displays and monitors as a mode of advertising
Visual display screens and monitors are increasingly being used by organizations and companies as a major mode of advertising. LCD, LED, plasma and projections screens are placed being in locations with high footfall like airports, railways stations, shopping malls and major business centers. These visual display screens can also be placed in office and corporate spaces. Content to be displayed on these media is designed and formatted separately. Traditional billboards are also being replaced by huge digital screens.
Digital Screen advertising through visual displays and monitors has several advantages over the traditional media. Digital billboards have greater visibility from afar. Interactive kiosks placed in shopping malls, airports, etc., can be used by potential consumers to gain more product information. Information can be shared in the form of slides which repeat themselves over a period of time increasing brand recall and retention
HDH Tech is a leading technology company that specializes in Digital Screen advertising. A well-known name in the field, HDH Tech aims at providing state-of-art services to its clientele.