Home automation comes with a flurry of advantages, but perhaps the greatest gain for this new way of living is the increased power for climate control. Home automation systems enable you to live in a more comfortable home but without wasting more cooling and heating energy.

Temperature Measurement

Home automation appliances use sensors. A light fixture can be customized to also have a humidity and temperature reading capability. Alternatively, a single humidity sensor or temperature sensor can be installed to keep track of the temperature in the room. In some home automation systems these sensors will come with independently programmed buttons that can be used for adjusting dampers, voltage output, and valves that control the temperatures in the room.

Scheduling Capability

Home automation systems with climate control can be designed to have a scheduler that allow you to change your room cooling or heating from your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can boost the heat in your rooms just a few hours or minutes before you get out of your office and head home and enable frost protection while on holidays. All this is made possible with the app that your home automation system comes with.

Precision Room Control

Precision room control is a programming of your home automation system to allow you to control the temperatures in the different rooms of your house by just the snap of a finger. Good home automation systems will have the capability to read the temperature of the room, detect extra heating provided by your window treatments and determine whether to adjust the temperatures based on the square-footage of the house, the climate outside the house, the time of the day and others.

Control of Air Heating

Smart home automation systems can help you save energy even with your room heating appliances. The system can for instance close and open dampers and trigger the blower and furnace to get to the areas they are required in the most.