Security cameras do more work today than what they were originally designed for. They go an extra mile to alert you when there is an in-coming vehicle, or a drive-by vehicle movement, thus helping you to stay safe and have peace of mind.

What exactly are AI security cameras?

 Artificial intelligence security cameras, also known as AIsight cameras, are cameras which use statistical machine learning technology to know what is normal and what’s not normal. These security cameras have the capacity to alert you when someone has stood for so long around your gate or door front.

How can you use the AIsight security cameras to boost your security?

Artificial intelligence cameras provide efficient detection and notify you of any possible threat. When someone has been motionless around your property for a suspicious amount of time, you will bet a notification and have enough time to take action.

Also, you could use these cameras to detect missing objects within your property. If you have a package theft from your doorstep, the AIsight camera will alert you through notifications, thanks to their missing object detection technology.

These cameras also have a tripwire technology that alerts you when there is a trespass on your property. You could draw a virtual line in the security cameras settings, which will alert you when that line has been crossed. You can use these cameras to detect intruders, right before they get into your home.

These security cameras with artificial intelligence also have the capacity to detect someone who is inside your home even when they can’t ‘see’ the intruder. They have heat mapping technology which detects body heat from people. The heat mapping technology is so accurate that it can’t other heat source with body heat.

With security cameras that have artificial intelligent, you will get an alert even before a crime can happen. You have all the reasons to stay safe by preventing the occurrence of a crime. Furthermore, prevention is better than cure!