What is video teleconferencing?
This refers to the conduction of a video meeting through implementation of various communication technologies. Video teleconferencing allows two or more people from different locations to link and communicate via a video or audio based connection over internet protocol network.
Video teleconferencing comprises of;
- A host who takes control or initializes the live video conference and also the other people involved.
- A computer with a good webcam.
- A well-equipped microphone speaker.
- A fast reliable internet connection.
There are two types of video teleconferencing systems, this include;
- Dedicated systems
This is a system built with all the necessary key components of the PC and other network components required for the VTC process.
- Desktop systems
These are simply the PC’s add-ons to make up the whole VTC system, this includes video cameras, speakers, microphone and even the PC add-in card.

Benefits of video teleconferencing in a business
- Higher productivity and efficiency
Video teleconferencing enhances the efficiency in the running of different operation since it saves time and more avoids space barriers. A video teleconferencing can be conducted to issue out information to colleagues, partners or even clients at any given time, this increases the productivity of an operation.
- Enhances flexibility
Video teleconferencing gives one the freedom of conducting his/her operation anywhere, it makes one has limited movement or travel. One can easily start or join an important talk from the comfort of your place using your gadget, whether a tablet, smartphone, laptop or any other device of your desire.
- Effective communication
It provides one with a non-verbal way of communication which is more efficient and effective as compared to audio based form of communication.
- Online interview and distance learning
Video teleconferencing has solve the need of travel in order to conduct different activities. For instance, online interview has been made convenient to those who lack a means of transport to reach their place of interview and also to those doing distant learning, video teleconferencing has solved the problem, it has made a world to be a small village.