The ultramodern homes are the ultimate solution to keep your family and house safe. This development is possible because of IoT (Internet of Things) and today, you can control your lights, door locks, vacuums, thermostats, and many other items from anywhere in the world.

A smart home fire and security alarm system, such as one from HDH Tech, has the following main features:

Panic Button

A panic button is the simplest way to get help in case of fire and another emergency situations. When you press a panic button, a signal is sent to the building management or home automation service provider. A panic button is usually installed at easily reachable places.

SOS Request and Automated Alert

To detect the intrusions various kinds of sensors can be installed inside and outside the home. These sensors when triggered raises the security alarms and home automation company or building management is instantly informed. Police are also informed immediately so that the security issue can be resolved as soon as possible.

Event Management and Alert

Whenever a homeowner goes out and keep the home automation system on, any kind of intrusion is precisely detected and the building management and home automation systems are immediately alerted. The monitoring systems are informed of the door/building number where the event took place and what kind of event took place.

Automatic dialing and notification

A smart home’s security alarm system allows the user to feed multiple contact details which helps in informing the concerned person instantly. Different alarms are assigned for different events and respective contacts are informed in case any unwanted event takes place.

Integration with home appliances

When the homeowner leaves the home with the security system on, all the appliances integrated with the security system that needs to be closed are turned off by the security system.