With the increased role on Internet of Technology (IoT) in present times come a whole lot of home gadgets and appliances. This makes home automation not just an idea but a reality. With IOT-based mobile applications home owners can gain a lot in their home automation. Here are 5 home automation ideas using IOT-based mobile applications.

  1. Kitchen appliances

There are automation systems you can connect to your kitchen appliances to provide convenience for you. If you are a very busy person and don’t usually keep record of things, an automated fridge will remind you what is in stock and which item will expire soon. Your oven and electronic stove can also be automated to provide convenience for you.

  1. Media

With an automated system in place, you no longer have to fiddle with different remotes for your electrical appliances. All controls will be on your device and you only need to tap a button to enjoy whatever you want.  You can use the mobile device to increase or reduce volumes, change channels, and put off the electronics.

  1. Improved security

Connecting mobile applications with gadgets like intercoms and cameras will help the homeowner effectively keep track of the activities within and around their home. For instance, he can easily see anyone who comes at his door post and communicate with them through the mobile application device. The device technology can also allow the home owner easily lock the house completely from anywhere   When it comes to security, home automation can help a great deal using IOT-based mobile application.

  1. Water and waste management

Setting off Jacuzzi/showers and water cooling/heating can all be carried out with an integrated device linked to your home automation. All these will certainly help home owners save on energy and minimize wastage.

  1. Lighting and ventilation

Here is another interesting area home automation can work for you. A sensory lighting system can give you greater control of the entire lighting system in your home. As the homeowner leaves the office, he can set the home lighting moods and temperatures on their mobile applications so that he can enter the house in a cozy atmosphere.

Final Words

The technology of home automation is increasing rapidly and more uses will be introduced in the nearest feature. However, one interesting thing about all of these is the fact that home automation has been made very cheap and affordable for all.